Although it has fallen for a while, it is still not out of the scope of the sea of clouds. There are floating sea of clouds everywhere, and some atmospheric creatures can be seen …
The spy suddenly hit a piece of sea of clouds, and suddenly she felt a sharp pain. The spy’s field of vision was full of broken sea of clouds, and her whole body turned around and flew out of this pile of sea of clouds. When Lin found that the target had disappeared.
Because I lost my look just now, but I can wait until the ground to find it.
Now you can see the ground.
What Lin saw was … a white desert, rolling sand dunes and a sea of sand in the horizon.
It seems that this is a desert environment, and the succulent plants jungle does not extend to this position, but Lin thinks that the moisture in the jungle should extend here, so that many plants should grow on the ground. What is sand?
You should know when you get to the ground. The spy is getting closer and closer to the ground. It seems that the journey will be …
Physical pain made the spy lose his external consciousness …
However, it seems that the body was not directly smashed because it hit the sand, but it remained intact.
But if it’s a normal white skeleton dragon, it’s already dead
For spies, this is not the case. Lin found that no matter how high the sky falls, no matter how strong the impact is, the cells can’t die in an instant, and there will always be some left.
And this time, more cells can be left because of falling sand.
If there are still some spies alive, they can get up again …
Lynn transformed some cells into other forms and swallowed the dead parts, reconstructed muscles and viscera, and there was always some loss on the way to recovery, but it was still enough to restore the whole spy body.
….. Slowly in the past, during the recovery process, Lin felt that the spy body was buried by the dust, and even if there was no oxygen, the spy still recovered until the body could resume operation.
The hot sun shone on the gravel and it stretched out with one hand. It held the sand and pulled out the whole body …
Spy gravel to cover the sun and look at the surrounding environment.
Everything you can see around you is the gravel that shines by the sun. This desert feels different from that seen at night. Because of the sunshine, the whole desert presents a golden luster. The gravel gas is distorted by the high temperature. Besides the gravel, there is another scene here-floating clouds.
A cloud with a diameter of 30 cm drifted slowly in front of the spy, who reached out and caught it.
This ….. It was a sea of clouds spy. After eating a small piece, Lin found that it was very similar in nature to Gao Yunhai, but it was mixed with more impurities and microorganisms …
The sea of clouds is mainly composed of a series of microorganisms, which Lin collectively calls’ cloud weavers’. Although there is this general name, there are actually quite a few kinds of them. Some’ cloud weavers’ are responsible for making colloid, some are responsible for secreting and collecting light gas inside, and some are responsible for collecting water or carrying out jet movements to make the sea of clouds move.
These microorganisms seem to be unrelated, and some even hunt each other. It seems that they just happen to live together to create a sea of clouds. Apart from the cloud weavers, there are many other kinds of microorganisms mixed together, and they have reached a special kind, and the microbial composition in the sea of clouds is different in each region.
For example, this sea of clouds is also different from the first two kinds of clouds.
The sand on the ground is very dry, but the hot air here doesn’t take away the water in these clouds. Although they are not as big as the high clouds, they still maintain their own shape. This is mainly because a cloud weaver thickens the outer layer, so that the water inside will hardly lose, which makes them float very low.
Although we don’t know where they got their water in the first place, this thing is helpful to spies.
The spy slowly ate the whole sea of clouds to replenish some energy lost in the recovery.
There is more than this sea of clouds here.
If you look around, you can see that this kind of sea of clouds with a size of more than ten centimeters is floating everywhere in the nearby sand, which makes it look quite similar to the natural environment.
If they were bigger, they might be able to climb on them …
I don’t know where the "White Skeleton Dragon" fell before I walked slowly in the desert full of clouds.
If it doesn’t have any strange resilience, it will definitely fall to its death, so it’s good to find the body …
The spy went to a sand dune and looked into the distant environment.
The continuous sand dunes extend out of the spy’s sight. The desert should be quite large, and the spy’s sense of smell has found some familiar smells.
Right over there
The spy slipped from the sand dune and came to an exposed sand stone and dug up next to the spy’s low body stone.
After digging almost a meter deep, Lin saw a long white tail, grabbed the tail and pulled the whole white skeleton dragon body out of the sand.
This is the former White Skeleton Dragon. It seems that it fell not far from the spy.
And as Lin thought, its body base remained intact, but it was probably completely damaged inside.
Spyta cortex has put some miniature arms into it to detect this’ white skeleton dragon’ body.
So that we can know something about this creature.
….. So that’s it? This creature is indeed an atmospheric creature. After exploring this white skeleton dragon, Lin learned most of its conditions.
It mainly wraps the white skeleton dragon and then slowly penetrates into its body. This creature will put a structure like tentacles into the auditory part of the white skeleton dragon, which will connect the white skeleton dragon’s brain and make it crazy.
At this time, this creature will completely infiltrate into the white skeleton dragon body and parasitize the surface, but this creature does not have the ability to control the white skeleton dragon. Actually, it is the white skeleton dragon who will do it himself after this action.
What this creature can do is damage a part of the brain nerve of the white skeleton dragon and let the white skeleton dragon do such a thing by itself.
However, it is not clear what happened to the white skeleton dragons who manipulated the spacecraft. Did they not jump off the ship immediately after being parasitized, but still face it?
And I didn’t know that these creatures made the white skeleton dragon jump out of the boat …
Like the parasitic white skeleton dragon, they can also withstand the impact of falling, and they don’t have strong resilience to revive this impact …
Lynn thinks that this creature may never have intended to live. They are tantamount to committing suicide with the white skeleton dragon.
They may be a "weapon" and what other creatures are making this "weapon" attack the white skeleton dragon?
Lin continued to check-but there was no way to find anything else wrong with this creature.
But this problem can be extrapolated from other places.
Since they jumped from the spaceship, it may mean that there is something special in this desert. Maybe we can find some creatures here to’ recycle’ this body?
But Lin doesn’t want to wait, and this desert looks interesting. Lin intends to continue exploring this place.
It was decided that the spy left an eye next to the body of the white skeleton dragon and then left here.
Then let’s start in any direction now!
In this way … a spy in the desert at first sight, a journey without a goal.
Although this desert is hot, the sea of clouds floating everywhere can easily replenish water, and occasionally eating one or two pieces can supplement nutrition for spy trips